Munich are we there yet?

chris (2002-10-11 20:51:33)
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The original plan was to get from London to Munich without spending any money. Well we managed to hitch out of London, with a big fat sign indicating our destination - MOSCOW. Unfortunately the grim-faced folk of Kent struggle to see the humour and we only got as far as Ramsgate before pitching our tent on a car dealer's forecourt, out of the pouring rain! We had a couple of stabs at hitching onto the continent on a freight line, but there was no way the customs boys would allow it, so we had to hitch lifts and surf a train down to Dover..

Made a detour to Brussels for internet and Western Union (still trying to sort Russian visas!) then hitched into Germany, ending up in a li'l town called Bernkastel-Kous. We hiked up the hill and slept infront of the castle, only to wake in the morning with a group of school kids surrounding the tent... they didn't hang around!

A few more hitches took us in completely the wrong direction with a guy called Markus, who promised to take us to Munich that evening after he had completed all his errands and bought a new car. He dropped us in a little bar, where we sat and gazed at a freakshow of locals drinking vast quantities of beer and cramming food into their slightly deformed faces.

26 hours later, Markus had finished his errands, but had managed to crash his new car and we were still no closer to our destination.. time for some more train surfing! So it has taken 5 days, and we have made it here to Munich, but still no word from the Russians. Hopefully by the next post, we'll be on our way! later,
